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hey there im the webmaster of this site... my name is claire mcaroe a.k.a. macaroon well in scouts anyway!!! if you have any queeries, complaint or compliments about this site please email me!!! hope you enjoy this site and if you aren't in scouts i hope i have encouraged you to join scouts or go along to see what goes on!!!
lots of tiddliewinks macaroon xxx

The scouts!!!
Our scouts is on a Friday night from 7:30 until 9:30. There are 5 leaders, Johnny (section leader), Claire, Michael, Vera and Victor. There are roughly about 30 scouts and they range in ages and heights. The youngest scout is probably Enda and the oldest Lee. ages of scouts between 10 1/2- 16. The smallest is Sisky and the tallest Matthew. WE get along very well and have lots of fun, we even went to a giants game and it was amazing!

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